Overseas Membership

Overseas membership was introduced in 2022, following a request from an owner in Denmark who wanted to become part of our club. We currently have club members in Australia, Denmark and Spain.

A Danish member’s car

Overseas membership is £5.50 per year per individual, running 1st Oct – 30th Sep. This token rate is fixed throughout the year (it is basically only to cover the cost of producing/posting a membership sticker to you).

Overseas members receive an annual club membership sticker and our monthly electronic newsletter.

An Australian member’s car

You are welcome to get involved in submitting content for our website and newsletter.

A Spanish member and his car

Overseas membership is payable by PayPal invoice. Overseas members are not permitted access to the members WhatsApp group and may not vote on club matters.

To join please complete the application form at the bottom of the membership page.